How to get to Yonghegong in Beijing ?

26/12/2013 11:46



The Yonghegong Lama Forehead at the northeast area of town middle China was initially used as formal property for judge eunuchs of the Ming empire and was transformed to the elegant judge of Royal prince Yongzheng during the 33rd season (1693) China travel service of Kangxi’s rule of the Qing empire.

In the 3rd season of Yongzheng’s control Beijing tour (1725), it was raised to imperial structure for brief remains away from the investment with the name modified to Yonghe Palace of Serenity and Balance. During the 9th season of Emperor Qian Long’s rule (1477), it was modify into Lama Forehead.

For many international tourists arriving to China, Yonghegong (Lama Temple) is a very luxury China tours essential fascination just after Not allowed Town and Forehead of Paradise in the town middle. Yonghegong Lama Forehead was initially designed as the property of Emperor Yongzheng when he was still a prince. After he came to the throne (Emperor Yongzheng), he modified his old property into a short-term structure known as “Yonghegong” in 1725. In 1744, his heir, Emperor Qianlong converted the structure into a lama temple. This Tietan Buddhist Lama Forehead is still famously known as Yonghegong.

Built along a main axis from northern to southern, the Lama Temple’s substance is mainly consists of six significant hallways, which create seven courtyards. The six hallways consist of Yonghe Checkpoint Area, Yonghegong Area, Yongyou Area, Falun Area, Wanfuge Pavilion and Suicheng Area. There are also many part structures designed on the both factors of the main axis. Before you check out the six hallways and seven courtyards, you will first see the Funeral archway.More China travel tags : Tibet Tours